Affordable Web Design Ltd - web design and development since 1996.


Low cost full service custom web design and development.
Serving business web needs for almost 30 years

Affordable Web Design Ltd is a full-time low cost Canadian web firm providing effective internet presence to all businesses, whether a one-person enterprise or a large organization.

Affordable Web Design Ltd listens to your needs and produces an end result you can be proud of!
Full time professional web designers and developers

And yes we will help you every step of the way!

The world of web can be a very confusing place for those who aren't used to it - lots of questions to ask when considering a website for your business, no matter what size of business you own! You see ads all the time about how easy it is.... how you can have a website inside of an hour... do it yourself...etc. These ads are missing the words "effective web presence". Unfortunately, throwing pretty pictures onto a page does not constitute a business website which will bring you potential clients! And "throwing those pictures on" involves a whole lot more than most people bargain for!

If the answer is YES to ANY of the following questions, contact Affordable Web Design Ltd today and start your journey towards success!

  • Need a low cost online brochure-type small website?
  • Need a 10+ page larger site based on your wants and needs?
  • Need a large custom site at affordable prices?
  • Need something you can look after yourself easily?
  • Need other web development that doesn't cost an arm and a leg?
  • Need social media sites set up for you, and even updated on a regular basis?
  • Need marketing help, from logos to brochures, to labels, and more?
  • Need help writing your content?
  • Need someone to write all your content for a reasonable additional fee?
Affordable Web Design Ltd is a full time full stack web developer.
Are all web designers alike?

No they are not. Web designers and developers can have huge variations in experience and knowledge.

Content management systems are made to allow non-coders to look after their own web content.
Want to maintain your whole site yourself?

We offer various alternatives.

Affordable Web Network, through its parent company Affordable Web Design Ltd, offers a variety of E-Commerce solutions.
E-Commerce Websites

Affordable Web Network, affiliated with Affordable Web Design Ltd, offers many different solutions for selling products online, based on your stated budget.

Affordable Web Network programmers are professional developers who can work on any project.
We can also accommodate any interactive needs

Calendars, real estate website and so much more!