Affordable Web Design Network is affiliated with Affordable Web Design Ltd offering web design and development since 1996.


You've decided to hire us to create a wonderful static customized website where we will incorporate "all the right stuff" to help you with your SEO, so you really don't want to mess with any of that content, right?

But you want to add updated information on a regular basis in order to keep your content "fresh" so the perfect solution is to add a " Blog" where you can upload your own pictures, your own information and more. Have an upcoming sale or special event? A blog would allow you to advertise it without disturbing the rest of the website's content.

What is the difference between free online blogs and blogs associated with your website?

If you have set up a blog on one of the many online blogs, such as, your content has nothing to do with your website content.

When Affordable Web Design Ltd incorporates the blog technology into your website, this will allow you to go to an administration panel, just as you would for online free blogs, but when you make changes on your blog, it is updating your website content so that it stays "fresh".

Affordable Web Network, affiliated with Affordable Web Design Ltd, can incorporate a blog into your custom website so that you can update information about your business.
Options for blogs

We can either use a template based platform such as Wordpress or we can customize one just for you.

Wordpress Blogs

  • A popular method of incorporating a blog into an existing website is to use the Wordpress platform.
  • A Wordpress blog lets you control whether you want anyone to be allowed to comment on your posts, and gives you a fair number of control functions.
  • As in any social media platform, though, it is important to keep your blog up-to-date in order to make it effective.
  • And as with any Wordpress site, you need a fairly good understanding on how to work with this technology.

Custom Blogs

  • Not everyone can work with Wordpress because it can be a bit confusing to use and a more advanced understanding of the process might be needed.
  • Our customized blog gives you a simple and easy-to-use administration panel that allows you to add information and images.

Contact us to discuss your needs. We will explain the different options to you so that you can make an informed decision.