As a one-stop shop,  Affordable Web Network offers yearly hosting to their web design clients.

Website Hosting Services

Hosting is a crucial part of your website project.

It provides the technology to allow your website to be visible on the internet. An integral piece of the web design puzzle is having a reliable hosting service. You can have a great website, but if the technology making that website visible on the internet is not reliable, it could end up causing quite an issue. As part of our "one-stop-shop" service, Affordable Web Design Ltd, is affiliated with a well-established hosting provider with over 30 locations worldwide. Our dedicated server is located in Toronto, from wqhich we look after all our hosting clients.

As part of the secure hosting service, we provide an SSL certificate for every client website (this is now required by Google but many hosting services charge extra for this. We provide file backups, as well as emails associated with your domain name (example:

Affordable Web Network, affiliated with Affordable Web Design Ltd, can help you with your social media marketing requirements.
What does our hosting cost and what does it include?

We currently charge CAD$144 a year + tax, which works out to CAD$12.00 a month.

  • Although there are cheaper hosting providers out there, by the time they upsell you on all the ad-ons, most of which we include in our hosting fees, our charge is most reasonable!
  • Email: we offer a basic "POP and IMAP service, which is usually as much as what most businesses will need. We include up to 5 email addresses as part of the yearly fee.
  • Our hosting fee equating $12 a month covers the average uses by most customers. Every now and then, though, if a client needs more than what is considered average, we will assess your needs and increase the fee accordingly.
  • The most important factor for most clients is that we do all the technical stuff for you - you don't need to do anything techie-related!