Our Affordable Web Network team can help with writing your content.

Content Writing Services

Have no clue what to put into your new website?

Content writing takes both time and writing skills, and effective content is necessary to convert viewers to buyers. Having well written content can make a huge difference in your conversion rates so ensuring that you have attractive content can really add to the effectiveness of your website.

But then the questions arise:

  • Are you comfortable with writing your own content?
  • Do you know how to write enough to fill an entire website with important content for each of your product types or services?
  • You may be a good writer but perhaps you simply don't have the time?

Affordable Web Design Ltd is happy to provide our content writing skills to our clients and taking that burden off your shoulders!

Affordable Web Network, affiliated with Affordable Web Design Ltd, can help you with your social media marketing requirements.
Content Is King!

Most business owners talk excitedly about their products and/or services, but when it comes to writing it all down in a logical sequence, many simply have no idea how to do this for website content.

Normal practice in the web design industry is to require the client to submit all content exactly as they want it and it's not the web designer's responsibility to correct any spelling mistakes, syntax errors or typos. The thought process is that since it is your business, it is up to you to write about it. What you submit is what will appear on your website. Although many web customers think that writing the content is included in a web designer's initial quote, it usually never is and the majority of web designers will admit that they are not good at writing any content. This is why "Content Writing" has become a very popular separate service offered by many individual content writers and content writing firms around the world.

What is Content Writing?

Content writing is more than just writing words, it is thinking through the entire layout of the website, how you want to divide up the information your potential customers will see, what to write on each page, how to keep your pages simple and not confusing to your viewers... a lot of time and effort needs to go into all of this in order to make the website content effective!

We offer 2 ways of dealing with content, "Content Guidance" and "Full Content Writing Services".

Content guidance

  • When the client submits all their content, we will still "proof read". Please note that there is no "spellcheck" capabilities in web design coding, so we do our best to catch all errors for the client, at no additional charge.
  • When the client gives us content but it is not complete, we again will do our best to make all the content on all the pages make sense. We will let you know what appears to be missing, and will guide you with regards to what still needs to be submitted, again at no extra charge as long as you are within the originally estimated timeframe.
  • In the case where the client submits ideas for their content in point form, we will base our content on what has been submitted. As long as the additional time does not push the project over the original estimate, there will be no extra charge for this help.

Full Content Writing Services

  • Our Content Writer will interview the business owner or representative
  • We will take notes and gather all kinds of information in order to fully understand the business
  • We will divide the website into logical pages of information
  • We will incorporate the content writing results into the website layout we have designed for you.

Full Content Writing Cost

  • We have researched the internet to find average Content Writing Service pricing, but the results were "all over the map", from $0.25 to $1.00 per word, to $4000 and more for 10 pages.
  • Affordable Web Design Ltd charges based on time, and based on our normal hourly rate, not by the word, as most content writing services do.
  • A general "ballpark" guestimate of an average timeframe to write the content for an entire 10-page website would be about one hour per page, depending on the page, so approxcimately 10 hours.
  • Please note that this can vary, depending on how we are expected to find all the information, whether obtaining this information involves researching your products and/or services, or gathering the information on your business from a variety of supplier websites, or even competitor websites who may be offering similar services to yours. There is therefore no way to accurately quote on such a service in advance and can only be calculated once we have completed the work. If we feel that we will be going beyond our "ballpark guestimate" as above, we will advise you.
  • Please note that we only offer our Web Content Writing services to our own web design clients.